Hoosiers Head Down the Wrong Path

Friday, May 13, 2011

Adela de la Torre, NILC, (213) 674-2832; [email protected]

Draconian New Laws Will Lead to Constitutional Violations, Racial Profiling

LOS ANGELES, Calif. —  The same day that the Utah “papers please” anti-immigrant law was put on hold by a federal court, Indiana earned the dubious distinction of becoming the third state to adopt a sweeping and draconian anti-immigrant law.  Below is a statement from Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center:

“Despite vociferous outcry from the immigrant, business, and faith communities, Governor Mitch Daniels has chosen to go down the same divisive path as Utah and Arizona by signing both SB 590 and HB 1402, which will lead to constitutional violations and restrict access to an affordable education for children who have grown up in Indiana. Although Governor Daniels may score immediate political points for engaging in such divisive tactics, history shows that such actions will be to his ultimate peril.

“Law enforcement, business, and community leaders have unequivocally stated that laws such as SB 590 that effectively serve to target the immigrant community are a risk to public safety and economic security alike. Furthermore, signing divisive legislation into law sends a dangerous message that the color of one’s skin is an acceptable predictor of whether a person is lawfully residing in the United States. Such actions cannot and should not be tolerated.

“We stand with likeminded Indianans and people everywhere who abhor injustice to denounce such attempts to target communities of color, and will use all available resources to counter these divisive and costly activities.”

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