Tax Package Protects Child Tax Credit Eligibility

Friday, February 17, 2012


Congress approves tax package and protects the eligibility of millions of immigrant families for the Child Tax Credit

WASHINGTON, DC — The National Immigration Law Center applauds President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senator Richard Durbin, and Democratic leadership and conferees for standing up for children, working families, and fairness. Thanks to their leadership, immigrant children were not denied eligibility for the Child Tax Credit (CTC).

In December, the House of Representatives approved a provision in its tax package that would have restricted eligibility for the CTC and its refundable component, the Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC). If this provision were to become law, it would take an average of $1800 out of the pockets of up to 2 million immigrant families, the majority of whom make $10 an hour.

The CTC was enacted to help working families financially care for their children. It is one of our nation’s most effective anti-poverty tools. Marielena Hincapié, NILC executive director, said, “It is astounding to me that Congress would even consider drawing a line in the sand on taxing millionaires but have no compunctions about squeezing the working poor. The House proposal would have effected 5.5 million children and impacted their families’ ability to put food on the table or pay for rent and utilities.”

Hincapié went on to say, “Democratic leadership has shown their commitment to a fair and equitable national economic policy, and I thank them.”

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