Dignity for Aspiring Citizens

March 14, 2014

Adela de la Torre, [email protected], 213-400-7822

We Will Continue to Fight for Permanent Dignity for Aspiring Citizens

WASHINGTON, DC — National Immigration Law Center Executive Director Marielena Hincapié issued the following statement following a White House meeting today between President Obama and advocates for commonsense immigration reform:

“President Obama made clear today that he will continue to throw all his political weight behind urging Congress to fix our broken immigration system. We will do the same: On June 27, a year will have gone by since the Senate passed immigration reform legislation. In the meantime, the House has done nothing but vote on bills that would make our immigration system worse.

“Our community has suffered at the hands of a broken immigration system for far too long. The National Immigration Law Center has developed recommendations to curb deportations, which we will share with the President and Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson. We fully expect them to work with us to mitigate the pain caused by family separations that destroy our communities and economy.

“The road to dignity for all immigrants may be difficult, but our movement has the power and the will to get it done. Immigration reform – with or without full support from both political parties – is a matter of when, not if.  We will continue to urge President Obama to do what he can to prevent further pain, but the ultimate, permanent solution to fix our broken system lies in the Halls of Congress.”

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