Collins Bill in Senate

February 27, 2015

Adela de la Torre, [email protected], 213-400-7822

Collins Bill Would Destroy Family Unity

Senators should oppose budget-busting proposal to undo immigration action

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Senate failed to invoke cloture today on a bill that, if enacted, would defund the immigration actions taken by President Obama last November to protect immigrants with deep ties to the United States from deportation. Although the bill was advertised as a “compromise” to allow the Senate to approve a measure to fund the Department of Homeland Security, the bill actually contains many provisions that would harm immigrant families across the country. Although this proposal will not proceed today, the measure could be considered again in the future. Below is a statement from Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center:

“Rather than simply do their job and keep the government’s doors open, the new Senate leadership has inserted political games into the process. The Collins bill in effect proposes the mass deportation of 11 million aspiring Americans, including immigrant youth and parents of U.S. citizen children who have deep ties to this country. This proposal fails to recognize that a deportation-only strategy isn’t sound policy, it’s just an opportunity to pander to anti-immigrant extremists.

“Those who supported this measure should ask themselves this: Whom would you deport? Would they support prioritizing deportation of hardworking parents, leaving children without their mothers and fathers? Would they support deporting people like Jong Min, a young man who has lived in this country since he was a 1-year-old and will one day soon be able to apply for expanded DACA?

“The Collins bill is just another example of mean-spirited, anti-immigrant politics that has, sadly, become the norm in this legislative session. The GOP had promised to usher in an era of good governance and inclusive politics. They have not lived up to their own professed expectations.”

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