Health4All in Budget Agreement

June 16, 2015

Elizabeth Beresford, [email protected], 917-648-0189
Adela de la Torre, [email protected], 213-400-7822

California Budget Agreement Paves the Way Toward #HEALTH4ALL

National Immigration Law Center urges State Assembly to
make history and pass the bill

SACRAMENTO — Gov. Jerry Brown and legislators advocating for inclusive access to health care for immigrants have announced a budget agreement that includes $40 million in funding for a bill that, if passed, would allow otherwise-eligible children to enroll in the state’s Medicaid program, regardless of their immigration status. The proposal also includes groundbreaking language that would pave the way for adults to access Medicaid when funding becomes available.

Below is a statement from Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center, which has long advocated for immigrant-inclusive health care policies.

“All of California’s children, regardless of where they were born, should have access to the care they need to grow up healthy and strong. The agreement announced today is an important first step toward making this value a reality. We urge the State Assembly to pass this bill without delay and will continue to work toward the day when our state’s bold vision of truly inclusive health care for all Californians becomes a reality.

“Today’s historic budget agreement shines a light on the need for more inclusive health care policies for all and is an investment in immigrants as valued members of our Golden State. Once this bill becomes law, it will serve as a model for the rest of the nation.”

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