Supreme Court Will Review U.S. v. Texas

January 19, 2016

Adela de la Torre, 213-400-7822, [email protected]

U.S. Supreme Court to Review Texas-led Block of Obama Immigration Initiatives

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court agreed today to review United States v. Texas, the Texas-initiated case that put on hold President Obama’s proposed initiatives that would allow millions of immigrants to apply for deferral of deportation and work authorization.

The following is a statement by Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center, which has filed an amicus brief on this case before the Court:

“Millions of families have waited for almost a year for these immigration initiatives to receive a full and fair hearing before the Supreme Court. Our economy, our communities, and millions of U.S. citizen children have suffered due to the misguided injunction that has prevented aspiring Americans from contributing more fully to their communities and economy. The Supreme Court now has the opportunity to remedy this grievous legal and moral error.

“The legal argument is clear: President Obama, like every president before him for nearly half a century, can and should exercise discretion in immigration matters. But the moral, economic, and societal arguments in favor of the president’s immigration initiatives are no less important. Our communities, economy, and future are stronger when those with long-term ties are able to live without fear of the threat of deportation and better allowed to contribute.

“Aspiring Americans fought for decades to strengthen their ties to this country. Today’s news is another step in that battle, and we will not rest until all people — regardless of where they were born — are able to live without fear.”

More information about United State v. Texas is available at

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