Civil Rights Groups Condemn Trump’s Latest Muslim Ban

September 24, 2017

Marcos Rodriguez | (559) 920-0534 | [email protected]
Charlie DiPasquale | (240) 481-6632 | [email protected]

Civil Rights Groups Condemn Trump’s Latest Muslim Ban

Administration expands Muslim ban, making entry into U.S. even more restrictive

SAN FRANCISCO — This evening, the Trump administration announced its new discriminatory Muslim and refugee ban, to include North Korea, Venezuela, and Muslim-majority Chad, and continues to include Iran, Libya, Syria, and Yemen. The degree of immigration restriction varies by individual country, including complete ban. This move by the administration represents an attempt to sanitize a discriminatory and illegal policy before it is reviewed by the Supreme Court on October 10.

In response to the news, Elica Vafaie from Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAAJ), Zahra Billoo from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), and Avideh Moussavian from the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) released the following statements:

Elica Vafaie, staff attorney at Asian Americans Advancing Justice
“This new nonsensical ban continues to discriminate against immigrants, refugees, and visitors from a group of majority Muslim countries. We will continue to stand up for our communities and fight against any attempt at a Muslim ban.”

Zahra Billoo, CAIR representative
“Adding two non–majority Muslim countries doesn’t change the math or the intent of Trump’s new Muslim ban when six out of eight targeted countries are Muslim majority. This policy continues to be xenophobic and unconstitutional.

“We encourage travelers to know their rights and to reach out to our organizations if they have questions or experience any harassment or delays at airports.”

Avideh Moussavian, senior policy attorney, National Immigration Law Center
“Just like a new coat of paint won’t repair a house with dangerous structural problems, this new variation on the ban does nothing to cover up its discriminatory intent against Muslims, nor does it remove the xenophobic core of this executive order. All our communities must stand together more forcefully now than ever before to reject each permutation of this pernicious order.”

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