Trump’s Border Wall Tantrum Will Hurt Americans Across the Country

December 21, 2018

Juan Gastelum, 213-375-3149, [email protected]

Trump’s Border Wall Tantrum Will Hurt Americans Across the Country

WASHINGTON — Both chambers of Congress failed to come to an agreement to keep the government running, forcing a partial shutdown impacting several agencies and hundreds of thousands of workers. Although both chambers have vowed to work toward a solution, nothing has been announced to avert official closures across the country.

Avideh Moussavian, legislative director at the National Immigration Law Center, issued the following statement:

“The American people have made clear that they see right through and reject President Trump’s extortionist attempts to make taxpayers foot the bill for his useless and immoral border wall. We commend members of Congress who rightfully refused to give into Trump’s coercive tactics and urge them to continue to reject Trump’s reckless insistence on building a wall  as this process moves forward.

“Trump will get the government shutdown he has repeatedly said he wanted, and it will come at great expense to hundreds of thousands of public servants—and their families—who may spend their holidays not knowing when to expect their next paycheck or may be forced to work without pay. Trump and those who indulged his tantrum are responsible for the hardship these families will face over the holidays, as well as for the added uncertainty being forced on the rest of the country with this tantrum.

“The government has a responsibility to keep its doors open and to do what’s in the best interest of the people it serves. It’s time for Trump to do his job and let Congress do theirs.”

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