NILC Statement on President-elect Biden’s Selection of Alejandro Mayorkas as Secretary of Homeland Security

November 23, 2020

Tenoch Flores, [email protected]

NILC Statement on President-elect Biden’s Selection of Alejandro Mayorkas as Secretary of Homeland Security

LOS ANGELES — Upon the announcement that President-elect Joe Biden will be nominating Alejandro Mayorkas to lead the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center, issued the following statement:

“We are thrilled with President-elect Biden’s historic selection of Alejandro Mayorkas to lead the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. This represents an exemplary choice that will not only serve our next president and the American people well, but also sends a strong signal to immigrant communities that the Biden administration fully intends to follow through on its commitment to undo the harms of the Trump administration.

“As an immigrant and a Latino, Mayorkas’s lived experience will prove an invaluable asset to the Biden-Harris administration. I know from first-hand experience, having partnered closely with him in implementing the successful DACA policy when he was head of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, and later from his time as deputy secretary of Homeland Security, that he is someone who will listen to the voices of immigrant communities and will remain responsive to their concerns. Mayorkas has a deep understanding of the complex immigration laws and policies impacting the country. He is compassionate, fair, and deeply committed to restoring due process to our system.

“As the next DHS secretary, Mayorkas will have one of the toughest jobs, given how much damage needs to be undone from President Trump’s anti-immigrant policies, and he will also oversee critical issues resulting from climate change in overseeing FEMA, cybersecurity, and a broad range of responsibilities. Since he’s been confirmed by the U.S. Senate three times throughout his career, the Senate should swiftly move to confirm Mayorkas.

“We applaud the Biden-Harris transition team for their historic selection and look forward to working closely with Mayorkas to build a 21st century immigration system that is humane and fair and recognizes immigrants as a strength to our nation.”

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