Statement on Nomination of Marty Walsh as Secretary of Labor

January 8, 2021

Juan Gastelum, [email protected], 213-375-3149

NILC and NILC Immigrant Justice Fund Statement on Nomination of Marty Walsh as Secretary of Labor

WASHINGTON — Upon the announcement that President-elect Joe Biden will be nominating Marty Walsh to lead the U.S. Department of Labor, Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center and the NILC Immigrant Justice Fund, issued the following statement:

“President-elect Biden has decided that Marty Walsh is the best choice to lead the Department of Labor, and we at NILC applaud his choice. As the current mayor of Boston and someone with roots in the labor movement and, in particular, the building trades, Walsh has the trusted relationship with the labor movement and experience to lead the department during these unprecedented times.

“The COVID-19 pandemic, increasing economic inequality, and the needs of essential workers, 70 percent of whom are immigrants, must be priorities for the next secretary of Labor, and we at NILC look forward to working with incoming Secretary Walsh to address these needs as we work to ‘build back better’ and to ensure that we have robust enforcement of all workers’ rights, including the rights of immigrant workers.”

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