National Immigration Law Center Responds to Texas Federal Court Ruling on DACA

July 16, 2021

Email: [email protected]
Madison Allman, 202-384-1279
Juan Gastelum, 213-375-3149

National Immigration Law Center Responds to Texas Federal Court Ruling on DACA

WASHINGTON – A U.S. district court in Texas today agreed with a group of states, led by Texas, that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is unlawful.

The court ruled that DACA is unlawful and blocked the federal government from granting any new first-time DACA applications. However, the court will continue to allow DACA renewals. People with DACA will not lose their protections. For the time being, pending renewal applications will be adjudicated and current DACA recipients can continue to submit renewal applications.

Avideh Moussavian, director of federal advocacy at the National Immigration Law Center, issued the following statement:

“Today’s federal court ruling again upends the lives of hundreds of thousands of immigrant youth whose home is here; it will harm all our communities. It is a stark reminder of the urgency for Congress to act swiftly to pass a long overdue pathway to U.S. citizenship for immigrant youth and all 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S.

“While immigrant youth who currently have DACA will keep their protections for now, this court decision underscores the need for swift action that provides relief and stability to immigrant youth once and for all. Congress must use every opportunity available to pass the strongest and most inclusive bill possible, as soon as possible. The House of Representatives already passed the bipartisan Dream and Promise Act in March, and just this week Senate leadership included a pathway to citizenship as part of its budget resolution.

“DACA is a hugely successful and transformative policy with overwhelming public support. But we have always known that a permanent solution is necessary. Immigrant youth have lived through years of uncertainty as a result of politically motivated attacks on DACA that put them at risk of being separated from their loved ones and being deported. No one should have to plan their lives in two-year increments or from one administration to the next.

“We know that today and the road ahead are difficult for many members of our communities. It is as important now as ever that we stand in our power and remind ourselves of our collective resilience. DACA is and will continue to be a testament to the strength and political power our communities have built up over years of organizing for justice. We have fought back politically motivated attempts to end it before and prevailed. We cannot and will not let up in our fight now.”

