NILC Statement on the Build Back Better Legislation Framework

October 28, 2021

Madison Allman, [email protected], 202-384-1279

NILC Statement on the Build Back Better Legislation Framework

WASHINGTON — Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center and the NILC Immigrant Justice Fund, issued the following statement on the newly released framework for the Build Back Better Act, which includes $100 billion for immigration reform:

“This historic budget addresses some of the most significant crises affecting working families in our country. While we acknowledge that it falls short in some respects, it is a meaningful investment in transformative efforts to extend financial supports for families – including many low-income immigrants previously left out of the Child Tax Credit – combat the climate crisis, improve access to health care and early childhood education, and support a robust safety net that will support the wellbeing of millions of people.

“The significant funding this framework includes to strengthen due process in our immigration system and advance protections for immigrants is a testament to the power and tenacity of the immigrant justice movement – but our work is not yet done. Senate Democrats must use their authority under existing Senate rules to disregard the parliamentarian’s recommendations and deliver on their promise of a pathway to citizenship. Doing so would deliver long-overdue stability for millions of immigrants who are essential members of our communities, and who continue to show up to get us all through the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Immigrants who call the U.S. home have waited decades for Congress to finally pass permanent protections. We cannot squander this once in a generation opportunity. We won’t give up this fight now. There is no equitable recovery without immigrants.”

