NILC Statement on the House Vote to Advance the Build Back Better Act

November 19, 2021

Madison Allman, [email protected], 202-384-1279

NILC Statement on the House Vote to Advance the Build Back Better Act

WASHINGTON — Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center and the NILC Immigrant Justice Fund, issued the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives voted to advance the Build Back Better Act, which includes temporary protections and work permits for some undocumented immigrants, expanded financial supports for families – including immigrant families – and investments to help combat the climate crisis:

“The Build Back Better Act invests in transformative efforts to reinforce a robust safety net that will support the wellbeing of millions of people, and House passage is a crucial step toward this bill becoming law. However, the decision by House Democrats to only include temporary protections for immigrants instead of a pathway to citizenship squandered their best opportunity in years to provide permanent protections for the millions of undocumented immigrants who are essential members of our communities. Immigrants have continued showing up every day to get us through the pandemic and have waited decades for meaningful immigration reform that would provide stability for them and their loved ones, and would benefit our country.

“We are counting on our elected officials to keep up the fight and deliver. With all eyes on the Senate, Democrats cannot simply hide behind the advisory recommendations of the Senate parliamentarian to justify inaction. They need to step up and make good on their promise of green cards for the millions of immigrants who call the U.S. home. There is no equitable recovery without immigrants.”

