NILC Statement on the Public Charge Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

February 17, 2022

Email: [email protected]
Madison Allman, 202-384-1279

NILC Statement on the Public Charge Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

WASHINGTON — Eddie Carmona, campaigns director for the National Immigration Law Center, issued the following statement on the Biden administration’s proposed new rule on public charge:

“The Biden administration’s proposed rule on public charge is an important step toward addressing significant racial and economic disparities in immigrant communities that the COVID-19 pandemic only worsened. Though the proposed rule aligns with longstanding principles that govern public charge and provides helpful clarifications, the proposal falls short in failing to clearly exclude all state and local programs from public charge determinations. We will continue to analyze these proposed changes and urge the Biden administration to implement the most inclusive final rule possible.

“Ultimately, the Biden administration is accountable for building an equitable immigration system and undoing the harms of the Trump years – including combatting the chilling effects of President Trump’s cruel ‘wealth test.’ It is crucial that the Biden administration continue to rebuild trust with immigrant communities and ensure that immigrants who call the U.S. home know it’s safe to seek the health and economic supports that they need to thrive.”

