NILC Calls on Biden Administration to End Title 42 Expulsions Without Delay

March 7, 2022

Email: [email protected]
Emily Morris, 213-457-7458
Madison Allman, 202-384-1279

NILC Calls on Biden Administration to End Title 42 Expulsions Without Delay

WASHINGTON — Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center, issued the following statement in response to the recent court decisions on Title 42 from the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. District Court for the Northern District Court of Texas:

“For nearly two years, the Biden and Trump administrations have used the unlawful Title 42 expulsion policy to categorically deny tens of thousands of people their right to seek asylum and return them to dangerous conditions where they face kidnapping, torture, and persecution.

“Friday’s contrasting rulings underscore the urgency for the Biden administration to fulfill a key campaign promise and end this xenophobic Title 42 policy before it harms even one more person.

“President Biden must heed the repeated calls, including from members of his own party at the highest levels of Congressional leadership, to immediately end Title 42 expulsions for everyone and restore full access to asylum at the border, including at ports of entry. The United States must once again welcome those seeking safety with dignity and humanity.”

On Friday, March 4, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in Huisha-Huisha v. DHS that families could no longer be expelled from the U.S. under Title 42 to countries where they may face persecution or torture.

In a separate ruling in Texas v. Biden, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District Court of Texas ruled that the administration must resume expulsions of unaccompanied children under the Title 42 policy.

