NILC Statement on Potential Bipartisan Deal for Immigrant Youth Protections

December 6, 2022

Email: [email protected]
Madison Allman, 202-384-1279
Emily Morris, 213-457-7458

NILC Statement on Potential Bipartisan Deal for Immigrant Youth Protections

WASHINGTON — Raha Wala, vice president of strategic partnerships and advocacy at the National Immigration Law Center, issued the following statement in response to reports that senators are working on a bipartisan immigration proposal: 

“While we are encouraged to see members of Congress from both parties coming together to discuss passing a long-overdue pathway to citizenship for immigrant youth, this reported deal falls woefully short of meeting the needs and urgency of this moment. 

“Over the past ten years, the Republican list of border demands has become more extreme, while the fraction of people in need who would gain protections shrinks. This reported deal would accelerate that trend and could gravely compromise our future ability to welcome people seeking safety and opportunity in our country. We urge Democrats to step up their demands and lead courageously as negotiations continue. 

“With a limited and critically important window for progress in the lame duck, we urge lawmakers engaged in good-faith discussion to pass a pathway to citizenship for immigrant youth by the end of the year.” 

