NILC Statement on the Murder of Tyre Nichols

January 30, 2023

Email: [email protected]
Madison Allman, 202-384-1279
Emily Morris, 213-457-7458

NILC Statement on the Murder of Tyre Nichols

WASHINGTON — Sara K. Gould, interim executive director of the National Immigration Law Center and Immigrant Justice Fund, issued the following statement in response to the murder of Tyre Nichols by Memphis police officers:

“Tyre Nichols’ gruesome murder at the hands of Memphis police is another painful reminder of the urgent need to dismantle the structures upholding white supremacist violence. We mourn the loss of Tyre’s life – one full of love, joy, and purpose. We join the calls for justice for his family and community, as we continue to stand in solidarity with Black leaders demanding accountability, an end to police violence, and reinvestment in communities.”

