Author Archives: monica

Dignity for Aspiring Citizens

March 14, 2014

Adela de la Torre, [email protected], 213-400-7822

We Will Continue to Fight for Permanent Dignity for Aspiring Citizens

WASHINGTON, DC — National Immigration Law Center Executive Director Marielena Hincapié issued the following statement following a White House meeting today between President Obama and advocates for commonsense immigration reform:

“President Obama made clear today that he will continue to throw all his political weight behind urging Congress to fix our broken immigration system. We will do the same: On June 27, a year will have gone by since the Senate passed immigration reform legislation. In the meantime, the House has done nothing but vote on bills that would make our immigration system worse.

“Our community has suffered at the hands of a broken immigration system for far too long. The National Immigration Law Center has developed recommendations to curb deportations, which we will share with the President and Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson. We fully expect them to work with us to mitigate the pain caused by family separations that destroy our communities and economy.

“The road to dignity for all immigrants may be difficult, but our movement has the power and the will to get it done. Immigration reform – with or without full support from both political parties – is a matter of when, not if.  We will continue to urge President Obama to do what he can to prevent further pain, but the ultimate, permanent solution to fix our broken system lies in the Halls of Congress.”

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HEAL for Immigrant Women and Families Act

March 13, 2014

Adela de la Torre, [email protected], 213-400-7822

NILC Praises Proposed Health Equity and Access under the Law (HEAL) for Immigrant Women and Families Act of 2014

WASHINGTON — The National Immigration Law Center applauds legislation introduced by Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham and cosponsored by Reps. Donna Christensen, Barbara Lee, Marcia Fudge, Eleanor Norton, Luis Gutierrez, Lucille Roybal-Allard, and Marc Veasey that would remove harmful and discriminatory barriers that now prohibit immigrants from participating in health care programs that their tax dollars support.

The Health Equity and Access under the Law (HEAL) for Immigrant Women and Families Act would undo poor policy that currently prevents many immigrants who are authorized to live and work in the U.S., pay taxes, and contribute to our communities from accessing affordable health coverage.

The HEAL Act would restore eligibility for Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to immigrants who are lawfully present without making them endure the current five-year waiting period. The bill also would allow young people who have permission to be in the U.S. under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program to participate in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace and apply for premium tax credits and cost-sharing reductions. Under this measure, eligible DACA participants also could apply for Medicaid or CHIP.

The following is a statement by Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center:

“While congressional conservatives try to dismantle Obamacare and keep immigrants from accessing programs that their tax dollars support, Rep. Lujan Grisham and others have offered an idea that would improve our health care system by making affordable care accessible to millions of immigrants who are currently left out.

“Current law defies logic. A flu virus strikes without regard to how long a person has had lawful status. Lack of preventive health care results in costly illnesses and thwarts early detection of preventable diseases. Children cannot grow up to be strong and productive if they have limited health care.

“The existing policies also are inhumane. The arbitrary five-year waiting period for accessing key health programs, as well as other restrictions, were put in place by politicians intent on denying immigrants access to the programs that immigrants’ tax dollars support. Yet having to wait five years for diagnosis and treatment can be a death sentence for someone suffering from an undiagnosed cancer.

“Our national leaders must commit to providing quality care for everyone, including the most vulnerable in our society, for the good of our communities and our economy. No one should be denied access to affordable health care based on income or immigration status. We applaud the legislation and look forward to its consideration.”

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House Considers Anti-Immigrant Bills

March 12, 2014

Adela de la Torre, [email protected], 213-400-7822

House Leaders Take Tone-Deaf Anti-Immigrant, Anti-Obamacare Approach to a New Level

House refuses to fix broken immigration system and instead targets immigrants, in search of problems that do not exist

WASHINGTON — In their continuing attack on the most vulnerable members of society, including immigrants, members of the U.S. House of Representatives are considering two bills that would challenge the president’s executive authority and needlessly set up a major constitutional debate.

The chamber is considering the ENFORCE Act (HR 4138) and the Faithful Execution of the Law Act (HR 3973). These bills were devised by conservatives intent on blocking commonsense immigration reform and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that is creating access to affordable health care for millions of Americans.

The legislation would limit any president’s executive authority and would permit the House or the Senate to sue the executive branch if Congress thinks the White House is not fully executing laws passed by Congress. Sponsors cited President Obama’s implementation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and management of Obamacare as reasons to rein in his authority. The following is a statement by Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center.

“From a legal standpoint, the bills raise constitutional issues regarding the separation-of-powers principles laid out in the U.S. Constitution. Conservatives who are promoting these bills falsely claim the president has ignored congressional action when, in fact, the president has exercised his discretionary authority.

“The DACA program, for example, is not a wholesale, nonenforcement of immigration law with regard to DREAMers, but has deferred action on a case-by-case basis, well within the constitutional authority of the executive branch. Indeed, we continue to argue that the administration has many more administrative tools it can and should employ to curb record-breaking deportations.

“We aren’t alone in this analysis. Nearly one hundred legal scholars signed a letter to President Obama in 2012 outlining the president’s legal authority to provide relief from deportation and work authorization to immigrants.

“With regard to health care, the president is working towards implementation of the Affordable Care Act, not trying to end it.

“In truth, today’s activities represent not a legal dispute but an immoral attempt by House leadership to pander to extremists in its ranks and offer up more House votes against immigrants and Obamacare. A key sponsor has acknowledged that these bills will not advance in the Senate, just as the House’s previous effort to defund DACA—the only other vote on immigration the House has taken—did not advance.

“It’s time to stop debasing our democracy and end the politics of polarization. Instead of wasting time on anti-immigrant legislation, Congress should restore honor to its branch of government and do the job it was elected to do: resolve national problems through legislation. Congress must enact commonsense immigration reform or face voters’ ire at the polls in 2014 and 2016.”

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Settlement in South Carolina

March 3, 2014

Adela de la Torre, National Immigration Law Center, 213-400-7822, [email protected]

Civil Rights Coalition Achieves Important Protections Against South Carolina’s Anti-Immigrant Law

CHARLESTON, SC — A civil rights coalition that challenged South Carolina’s anti-immigrant law, Act 69 (also known as SB 20), announced today an agreement with the state that permanently blocks key provisions and provides strict limits on the “racial profiling” provisions of the law. The agreement was also entered into by the U.S. Department of Justice, effectively ending two consolidated lawsuits against Act 69 in the state.

The proposed settlement filed today, which is pending review by the court, will permanently block provisions that criminalize daily interactions with undocumented immigrants, similar to provisions permanently enjoined as a result of settlements in similar cases in Alabama and Georgia. The settlement also will prevent enforcement of a provision that would have imposed criminal penalties on those who fail to carry immigration documents.

A key component of the settlement agreement creates strict guidance for the provision of Act 20 which mandates that police demand “papers” of those who appear foreign. The proposed settlement includes a formal opinion from the state’s attorney general clarifying that state law does not authorize law enforcement to detain a person for any period of time to determine immigration status.

“After nearly three years, this ugly chapter in South Carolina’s civil rights history will finally come to a close,” said Karen Tumlin, managing attorney at the National Immigration Law Center. “Today’s settlement makes clear that South Carolinians, regardless of where they were born, can live free from fear that they will be detained by police simply to determine whether they are in this country without authorization. Other states can — and should — make such clarifications in their own laws.”

“The state has finally agreed to put to rest the most divisive provisions of South Carolina’s anti-immigrant law, which would have given local officials carte blanche to criminalize the lives of immigrants and those who interact with them,” said Andre Segura, attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union Immigrants’ Rights Project. “We are especially pleased that the state has set forth clear limits on what its officers can and can’t do — none of its officers is permitted to prolong stops or detain individuals believed or even determined to be undocumented for any purpose. Constitutional rights apply to all, and no one is required to answer any question by state or local officials about their immigration status.”

The National Immigration Law Center, Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), American Civil Liberties Union Foundation (ACLU), Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), and other civil rights groups filed the class action suit, Low Country Immigration Coalition v. Haley, in October 2011.

Amy Pedersen, staff attorney for MALDEF, said, “This settlement should turn South Carolina efforts spent defending a largely unconstitutional law toward ensuring that state and local officers undertake law enforcement not on the basis of individuals’ immigration status, real or perceived, but in line with our federal system of government and laws preserving freedom and individual liberties.”

The lawsuit charged that SB 20 subjected South Carolinians — including U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents — to unlawful search and seizure and interfered with federal power and authority over immigration matters. The suit also asserted that the law unconstitutionally mandated police to demand “papers” demonstrating citizenship or immigration status during traffic stops when they have “reasonable suspicion” that a person is not in the country lawfully, and criminalized South Carolinians for everyday interactions with undocumented individuals, such as driving someone to church or renting a room to a friend.

“Today is a victory for the brave community members who challenged SB 20 and for all South Carolinians,” said Michelle Lapointe, Southern Poverty Law Center staff attorney. “Three years ago, South Carolina became one of several southern states that attempted to legislate away people’s constitutional rights. We are glad that the most egregious portions of this mean-spirited law will be permanently blocked, and we will remain vigilant and will take action if immigration enforcement violates civil rights.”

More information about the case and settlement can be found

Attorneys in the case include Tumlin, Linton Joaquin, Nora Preciado, Melissa Keaney, Nicolas Espiritu, and Alvaro Huerta of the National Immigration Law Center; Michelle Lapointe, Sam Brooke, Naomi Tsu, and Dan Werner of the Southern Poverty Law Center; Justin B. Cox, Andre Segura, Cecillia Wang, Omar C. Jadwat, Justin B. Cox, Lee Gelernt and Kate Desormeau of the ACLU Immigrants’ Rights Project; Amy Pedersen, Victor Viramontes and Martha L. Gomez, of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund; Foster S. Maer of LatinoJustice/PRLDEF; Tammy Besherse of the South Carolina Appleseed Legal Justice Center; and Susan Dunn of the ACLU Foundation of South Carolina.

The proposed final judgment is available

The joint report regarding case status and disposition is available

The South Carolina solicitor general’s opinion that is included in the settlement agreement is available at

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Informativa sobre la inscripción latina en el ACA

JUEVES – 27 de febrero (12:30 PM hora del este / 9:30 AM del pacífico) (866) 952-1906, ID de conferencia: NILC CALL

Sesión informativa telefónica extraoficial de NILC para los medios en español

Dejando a un lado los temores y fallos tecnológicos para acelerar la inscripción latina en el ACA

LOS ANGELES, CA — La fecha límite de 31 de marzo para la inscripción en la Ley de Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Precio (ACA) se acerca rápidamente, pero la participación latina se está quedando atrás. La falta de solicitudes del seguro del plan de salud dentro de éste plazo significa que a millones de personas potencialmente elegibles se les puede cerrar la ventana de oportunidad, y podrían enfrentarse a una multa de impuestos como resultado.

Entre los grupos demográficos, los latinos tienen la tasa más alta de personas sin seguro médico y tienen mucho de que beneficiarse. Sin embargo, persisten los temores. Los primeros problemas técnicos con el proceso de inscripción computarizado creó frustración entre los 10.2 millones de latinos que no tenían seguro  al inicio de Obamacare. Además, las familias de estatus mixto siguen preocupados que un familiar indocumentado puede ser deportado si inscribe a los niños ciudadanos y otros familiares elegibles, a pesar de garantías del gobierno federal de que su información no será utilizada para propósitos de aplicar las leyes de inmigración.

El sitio de internet en español de la administración Obama,, ahora está en pleno funcionamiento y activistas comunitarios están recordándoles a los latinos, incluso si no son elegibles, que tienen la obligación de obtener cobertura de seguro para los miembros de la familia que sí lo son, incluyendo sus hijos ciudadanos. Pero, ¿es eso suficiente?

Por favor acompañe al National Immigration Law Center para una discusión *extraoficial acerca de la situación actual en la campaña y los esfuerzos para disipar temores de las familias de inmigrantes latinos sobre la inscripción en el ACA.

Marielena Hincapié, abogada y directora ejecutiva, National Immigration Law Center
Alvaro M. Huerta, abogado, National Immigration Law Center

Sesión informativa sobre la situación actual de la inscripción latina en el ACA

27 de febrero (12:30 PM hora del este / 9:30 AM del pacífico)

(866) 952-1906, ID de conferencia: NILC CALL

Gebe Martinez [email protected]

* Las solicitudes de comentarios “on the record” se tomarán al final de la discusión.



Child Tax Credit

January 11, 2014

Adela de la Torre, [email protected], 213-400-7822

NILC Urges Senate to Block Effort to Punish Kids 

WASHINGTON — The Senate has scheduled a vote on an amendment by Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-NH, that would disqualify immigrant children in low-wage working families that pay income and payroll taxes from claiming the refundable portion of the Child Tax Credit (CTC). The National Immigration Law Center (NILC), along with the AFL-CIO, Church World Service, First Focus Campaign for Children, National Council of La Raza, the Coalition on Human Needs, and more than 100 other groups sent a letter to the Senate yesterday opposing artificial restrictions on the CTC. The following is a statement by Marielena Hincapié, NILC’s executive director:

“The Ayotte amendment is the latest in a series of attempts by Senate conservatives to restrict the Child Tax Credit under the guise of responding to isolated cases of fraud. While the integrity of any system must be maintained, punishing children and their taxpaying families who participate in a highly effective child anti-poverty program is not the answer. Another senator has reminded us that if additional revenue is needed, there are plenty of corporate tax loopholes that could be closed easily and effectively.

“Let’s call this what it is: a cynical and shameful attempt by immigration restrictionists to prevent many otherwise-eligible taxpaying immigrants — mostly Latino — from claiming the credit. The needs of children in poverty should never be pitted against those of another category of people who require support, such as veterans seeking restoration of retirement benefits.

“By rejecting this immoral proposal, the Senate can prove it is above political pandering that targets kids.”

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GOP Immigration Reform Principles

January 30, 2014

Adela de la Torre, 213-400-7822, [email protected]

Starting the Conversation . . . in the Wrong Place

National Immigration Law Center Reacts to GOP Immigration Principles

WASHINGTON — The House GOP leadership released a single-page document outlining their principles for overhauling the nation’s immigration system, which has not been updated since 1986. The principles include a plan to allow those who came to the country as children to earn U.S. citizenship, but they leave many of the nation’s 11 million aspiring citizens without a dedicated road to this status. The principles also call for increased border militarization and payment of back taxes by those looking to adjust their immigration status. Below is a statement from Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center:

“Republican leadership has taken a step forward, and we’re pleased that they have finally decided to join the effort to revamp our nation’s immigration laws. Unfortunately, too many of the proposals outlined today remind us only of ghosts of anti-immigrant bills past: mandatory E-Verify without workplace protections, uncertain roads to permanent status in this country, and other blocks that could make the road to legalization — let alone citizenship — unaffordable and unattainable.

“John Boehner and others have finally acknowledged that doing nothing on immigration will hurt them far more in the future than it will help them now. We are ready and willing to work with elected officials — on both sides of the aisle — who would like to create an immigration system worthy of this great country. The GOP has begun the conversation. We hope it grows into a dialogue about how to do what their constituents elected them to do: Enact legislation that upholds our values and meets our needs.”

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Sen. Jeff Sessions & Workers

January 27, 2014

Adela de la Torre, 213-674-2832, [email protected]

NILC: Sen. Sessions Stands Against U.S. Workers

Alabama senator’s new “concern” for working people used to attack aspiring citizens

WASHINGTON — In a commentary published by USA Today, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-AL, again pits U.S. workers against aspiring citizens, falsely contending that American workers would be hurt by commonsense immigration reform.

Not only has Sessions’s old and tired argument been soundly rejected in recent economic studies showing the nation and his home statewould benefit from immigration reform that includes a road to earned citizenship, his statement is hypocritical, given his long record of opposing legislation and programs designed to help hardworking Americans.

National Immigration Law Center Executive Director Marielena Hincapié issued the following statement regarding the senator’s latest attack against immigrants:

“Our nation’s economy is growing stronger because of the contributions of all U.S. workers, and they deserve our respect. Unfortunately, Senator Sessions is again driving a political wedge between immigrants and their native-born coworkers. It is undeniable that the false choice Sessions posits is due first and foremost to his ardent opposition to modernizing our federal immigration laws. His actions — particularly on legislation that would pull all workers out of poverty — speak louder than his most recent words.

“Let’s review the Sessions record regarding the very same workers he claims to be concerned about. The senator opposes increasing the federal minimum wage of $7.25 even though the middle class is shrinking and the growing number of workers in low-paying jobs is struggling to make ends meet.

“Senator Sessions has mocked supporters of food stamps, neglecting the fact that 61 percent of homes in his state have children on a federal food program.

“Senator Sessions also has opposed extending the unemployment insurance program for more than one million people, which expired at the end of last year. In another example of class warfare, he pits the benefits of the unemployed and veterans against the families of five million children — mostly Latino and U.S. citizens — by proposing restrictions to the Child Tax Credit, a proven and effective anti-poverty program.

“Spanish-speakers commonly remind us to ‘tell me who you associate with, and I’ll tell you who you are.’ Sen. Sessions has shown that he associates with those who would plunge all families — regardless of where they were born — into poverty. His newfound concern for workers is simply another attempt to advance a longstanding anti-immigrant and anti-worker agenda.”

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January 16, 2014

Adela de la Torre, 213-674-2832, [email protected]

New Legislation Could Make Dreams a Reality

Bill Encouraging In-State Tuition for All Residents Is Win-Win for States

WASHINGTON — Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) and Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO) today introduced the Investing in Students to Achieve Tuition Equity (IN-STATE) for DREAMers Act, a bill designed to encourage states to expand in-state tuition rates to all their residents. The bill would establish a program that would provide grants to states that offer in-state tuition or financial aid to immigrant students, regardless of their immigration status. Sen. Maize Hirono (D-HI) and Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) also are cosigners of this legislation.

“The National Immigration Law Center praises Senators Murray and Hirono and Representatives Polis and Castro for recognizing that improving access to education is a powerful way to ensure our nation’s future economic success,” said Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center.

“The popularity of in-state tuition laws — both ruby-red Texas and deep-blue California offer not only tuition equity, but also financial aid for immigrant students, regardless of immigration status — should serve as a reminder to legislators in Washington that this proposal isn’t just sound education and economic policy, it’s also one whose antecedents are bipartisan. We will continue working toward a day when all students — regardless of where they were born or their financial situation — will be able to achieve their educational dreams.”

Hincapié added, “Congress can and should continue to advance proposals to build a broad, direct road to citizenship for all those living and laboring in the United States. Until then, we need commonsense policies such as the one this bill would create to ensure that all our communities and economies can continue to grow stronger together.”

The National Immigration Law Center has long advocated for tuition equity, and it tracks state-level tuition policy proposals throughout the country. Learn more about state-level tuition policies

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Daniel Kowalski joins NILC’s board

January 15, 2013

Nayeli Pelayo, [email protected], 213-674-2830

Prominent Immigration Law Attorney Joins National Immigration Law Center’s Board of Directors

LOS ANGELES — The National Immigration Law Center (NILC) announces the recent appointment of seasoned immigration law attorney and national expert, Daniel M. Kowalski, to its board of directors.

“I am honored to be a part of NILC’s board at such a crucial point in the fight for immigrants’ rights,” says Kowalski. “Over the years, NILC has gained national respect not only for its deep understanding of the complexities of immigration law, but also as a fierce advocate for all immigrants, regardless of socioeconomic or immigration status. I’m proud to help lead them into the next phase of the fight to defend and advance the rights of low-income immigrants and their families.”

Kowalski is the editor-in-chief of Bender’s Immigration Bulletin, published by LexisNexis, and the online editor of the LexisNexisImmigration Law Community (ILC), Bender’s Immigration Bulletin – Daily Edition. He also is a member of IMMLAW, the National Consortium of Immigration Law Firms.

Among his various honors and awards, Mr. Kowalski has been named a senior fellow at the Institute for Justice Journalism. He is recipient of the Pro Bono Attorney of the Year Award from the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project in 1998 and recipient of the Pro Bono Award from the American Immigration Lawyers Association in 1993. Additionally, he has received the Special President’s Award from the Denver Bar Association in 1988. He also is listed as one of “The Best Lawyers in America” from 1997 to 2012.

A native of Denver, Colorado, Mr. Kowalski has been practicing immigration law exclusively since 1985. He is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and obtained his J.D. from St. Mary’s University.

“Immigration lawyers and advocates have come to rely on Dan for his in-depth immigration expertise, and recognize Bender’s Immigration Bulletin as the premier resource on immigration issues,” said, Marielena Hincapié, NILC’s executive director. “Dan’s stellar reputation, knowledge of complex immigration law, and dedication to immigrants make him a great addition to our board.”

Established in 1979, the National Immigration Law Center is the only advocacy organization in the United States exclusively dedicated to defending and advancing the rights and opportunities of low-income immigrants and their families. NILC advances its mission through policy analysis, litigation, education, and advocacy. Over the past three decades, NILC has won landmark legal decisions protecting fundamental rights, thwarted policies that would have devastated the lives of low-income immigrants and their family members, and advanced major policies that reinforce our nation’s values of equality, opportunity, and justice for all.

Click here for a high-resolution photo of Mr. Kowalski.

For more information about the National Immigration Law Center,

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