Category Archives: March 2021

National Immigration Law Center and Immigrant Justice Fund Statement on Appointment of Immigration Expert Kamal Essaheb

March 29, 2021

Juan Gastelum, [email protected], 213-375-3149

National Immigration Law Center and Immigrant Justice Fund Statement on Appointment of Immigration Expert Kamal Essaheb

WASHINGTON — Today, the White House appointed Kamal Essaheb, former deputy director of programs at the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) and the NILC Immigrant Justice Fund (IJF), as counselor to U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Marielena Hincapié, executive director of NILC and the IJF, issued the following statement:

“The Biden administration continues to signal its commitment not only to undoing the harms of the last administration, but also to bringing to fruition a 21st century immigration system that is rooted in fairness and that honors the dignity and contributions of the millions of immigrants who call this country home. We at the National Immigration Law Center and Immigrant Justice Fund could not be more proud of Kamal’s appointment to serve at the Department of Homeland Security.

“Kamal has worked tirelessly as an attorney and immigration advocate for years, including as a leading voice in the fight to enact, implement, and defend Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). As a former DACA recipient himself, he understands first-hand the needs of immigrants in this country and will bring valuable technical and legal expertise at a time when it is needed most.

“Kamal’s expertise and experience will allow him to hit the ground running in transforming our immigration system. This is a win for immigrants on whose behalf we work every day, for the immigrants’ rights movement, and for our nation as well. Kamal joins many other close allies who have decided to step into public service at this pivotal moment in our country’s history, and for that we thank them. We look forward to our continued work with the Biden administration to leap forward in creating a society in which everyone — regardless of where we were born or how much money we have — has the freedom to thrive.”

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National Immigration Law Center Celebrates House Passage of the Dream and Promise Act

March 18, 2021

Juan Gastelum, [email protected], 213-375-3149

National Immigration Law Center Celebrates House Passage of the Dream and Promise Act

WASHINGTON — In a 228-197 bipartisan vote, the U.S. House of Representatives today passed the Dream and Promise Act. The bill, also known as H.R. 6, would provide a pathway to U.S. citizenship to an estimated 4.4 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., including immigrant youth and longtime residents with temporary protected status (TPS) or deferred enforced departure (DED).

Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center, issued the following statement:

“At the National Immigration Law Center, we are celebrating the passage of the Dream and Promise Act in the House, and we urge the Senate to meet this critical step with urgency and courageous action. We must enact the Dream and Promise Act quickly as we continue to work to provide a pathway to citizenship for all 11 million undocumented people living in the U.S., as part of our efforts to set our country on a path to a just recovery that lifts us all.

“The Dream and Promise Act would provide long-overdue relief and stability to millions of undocumented immigrant youth and longtime residents whose home is here. Its advancement today with bipartisan support is a testament to the strength and political power our communities have built over years of organizing for justice, including NILC’s own efforts over more than two decades to support and fight alongside immigrant youth so that all of us have the freedom to thrive.

“We are thrilled to see the Dream and Promise Act move forward, and, at the same time, we urge members of the Senate to remove harmful criminalizing provisions in the bill that would compound racial disparities in our legal system. This moment requires that lawmakers act quickly and courageously to address the racial injustices that have long marred our country. That requires that they make this the strongest, most inclusive bill possible and immediately send it to President Biden to sign into law.”



National Immigration Law Center and Immigrant Justice Fund Condemn Violence Against AAPI Communities, Call for National Leadership to Address Increase in Hate Crimes

March 17, 2021

Juan Gastelum, [email protected], 213-375-3149

National Immigration Law Center and NILC Immigrant Justice Fund Condemn Violence Against AAPI Communities, Call for National Leadership to Address Increase in Hate Crimes

WASHINGTON — Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center and the NILC Immigrant Justice Fund, issued the following statement in response to the increasing acts of violence against Asian American and Pacific Islander communities:

“We at the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) and the Immigrant Justice Fund (IJF) are horrified by and condemn the increasing acts of violence against Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities across the country and, most recently, yesterday in Georgia. We mourn with the families of everyone impacted by these murders, including the six AAPI women killed by a white supremacist and misogynist who felt entitled to exotify and destroy their lives.

“For over a century, AAPI communities have been afflicted by both being made invisible and yet also racially targeted. Many AAPI community members make a living in low-wage, high-risk workplaces to financially support their families. Regardless of where we are from, how much money we have, or what we look like, all of us deserve to have our humanity respected and the freedom to thrive.

“This latest act of violence is rooted in the same white supremacist and mysoginist culture that has led to countless Black and brown community members being killed, from George Floyd to Breonna Taylor to the El Paso shooting. We must all commit to doing our part to build a society in which everyone feels safe regardless of the color of our skin, the language we speak, or where we were born, and to ensure that everyone can feel they belong in this country we call home.

“NILC and IJF condemn these acts of violence, and we call upon our nation’s leaders to do their part to end these destructive and senseless acts. We call for stronger actions by policymakers, both nationally and in the states, to protect AAPI community members from racist violence at home, work, and in public. We call on law enforcement to move swiftly in condemning and prosecuting these hate crimes. All Americans must play a role in shattering the racism and acts of violence, and in stepping up to advance racial justice for AAPIs and communities of color.”



National Immigration Law Center Responds to the Introduction of the Citizenship for Essential Workers Act

March 17, 2021

Juan Gastelum, [email protected], 213-375-3149

National Immigration Law Center Responds to the Introduction of the Citizenship for Essential Workers Act

WASHINGTON — Members of Congress introduced a new bill this week that would provide a pathway to U.S. citizenship for undocumented essential workers. U.S. Sens. Alex Padilla (D-Calif.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) introduced the Citizenship for Essential Workers Act in the U.S. Senate. U.S. Reps. Joaquin Castro (D-Tex.) and Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) introduced the bill in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center, issued the following statement:

“Immigrants are essential, not just to our economy, but to our communities, our society, and our nation. The Citizenship for Essential Workers Act would provide long-overdue recognition by placing millions of people on a pathway to U.S. citizenship. We at the National Immigration Law Center welcome the bill’s introduction as a crucial step toward our nation’s recovery and ensuring that all of us have the freedom to thrive. We thank Senators Padilla and Warren and Representatives Castro and Lieu for their leadership and recognition of the vital role immigrants play in our society.

“Nearly three quarters of all immigrants in the U.S. workforce — including more than 5 million undocumented immigrants — are working in essential roles and helping us get through the COVID-19 pandemic. While many of us stay safe at home, millions of immigrants in our communities are putting themselves and their loved ones at risk to care for our most vulnerable, teach our kids, keep us fed, and deliver the goods we need.

“These are people who are keeping our country running during the pandemic and who will also play an equally critical role as our country enters into the recovery phase. Applauding their contributions is not enough; we must recognize immigrant essential workers under the law, as part of our efforts to provide relief from the pandemic. Not doing so, while also excluding immigrants from other forms of relief, will hinder our recovery. There is no COVID recovery for any of us without immigrants.

“While there is much to celebrate in this bill, we are deeply disappointed that it would add to existing bars in immigration law that already exclude many people from U.S. citizenship and leave them vulnerable to deportation for coming into contact with the racialized criminal legal system. This misguided approach, entangling mass incarceration with mass deportation, perpetuates the devastation of our communities by an already unjust system that disproportionately harms Black and brown people, including immigrants.

“At a time when we are having a much-needed national conversation about the racial injustices embedded in mass incarceration and the need for redemption and providing people second chances, we must recognize that low-income immigrants are impacted by the same structural racism. We urge Democrats to lead courageously in this moment, remove these proposed new bars, and instead put forward an inclusive approach that moves us closer to racial justice and equity.

“Millions of immigrants have built their lives in the U.S., call this country home, and have long been essential members of our communities. We urge Congress to provide a pathway to U.S. citizenship for all immigrants, including essential workers, immigrant youth, those with temporary immigration status, and undocumented people, without the harmful addition of new criminal exclusions. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us how interdependent we all are. Our collective health and well-being depend on full immigrant inclusion.”



National Immigration Law Center Responds to Biden Administration’s Petition to Drop Appeal in “Public Charge” Immigrant Wealth Test Cases

March 9, 2021

Juan Gastelum, [email protected], 213-375-3149

National Immigration Law Center Responds to Biden Administration’s Petition to Drop Appeal in “Public Charge” Immigrant Wealth Test Cases

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration today agreed to withdraw the federal government’s appeals before the U.S. Supreme Court to hear cases challenging the previous administration’s “public charge” rule.

Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center, issued the following statement:

“Today’s actions by the Biden administration pave the way for ending President Trump’s dangerous and racist public charge wealth test. For the last four years, the National Immigration Law Center and diverse allies across the nation in the Protecting Immigrant Families coalition have fought back against this cruel policy that threatened the health, nutrition, and housing of millions of families. It is dangerous to the health and well-being of our nation and has impeded our ability to fully recover from the pandemic.

“Ending the public charge wealth test is an important step forward to build back trust within our immigrant communities, particularly in light of the pandemic. The Biden administration clearly recognizes that, now more than ever, we must ensure that everyone in this country has the freedom to thrive. We will continue our work alongside our plaintiffs and partners to ensure that everyone — regardless of who we are or where we’re from — has access to the health care and economic relief we need. Our collective health and well-being depends on all of us being healthy and feeling safe and free to seek the health care and other vital services our families need.”



National Immigration Law Center Statement Regarding $1.9 Trillion COVID-19 Relief Package

March 6, 2021

Victoria Ballesteros, [email protected]

National Immigration Law Center Statement Regarding $1.9 Trillion COVID-19 Relief Package

WASHINGTON — Today, the U.S. Senate passed a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill, the American Rescue Act, to provide additional economic relief amidst the ongoing pandemic. Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center, issued the following statement:

“As we mark the painful one-year anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic in this country, including the over 500,000 loved ones we have lost, we applaud Congress for passing an urgently needed relief bill that will provide more immigrant-inclusive, life-saving relief to our communities. In December of last year, Congress finally took the step of including nearly 3 miIlion people from mixed–immigration status families who had previously been denied stimulus checks. This latest relief package’s inclusion of 2.2 million more people is a further victory to be celebrated. Among those who will receive relief under this bill are U.S. citizens and lawfully present children in mixed-status families who wrongfully were denied stimulus checks previously.

“While we celebrate these aspects of the American Rescue Act, Congress unconscionably still  continues to exclude 9.3 million immigrant workers and taxpayers from eligibility for stimulus checks, even as many of these same immigrants are working in essential roles and ensuring that our communities are able to weather this prolonged health crisis. Any future COVID-19 relief bills must ensure that all immigrants are eligible for stimulus checks and access to health care, regardless of their immigration status — and provide a pathway to U.S. citizenship.

“We at the National Immigration Law Center remain committed to fighting for crucial access to health care and other vital supports that will provide all of us with opportunities to thrive.”

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National Immigration Law Center Responds to the Reintroduction of the Dream and Promise Act

March 4, 2021

Juan Gastelum, [email protected], 213-375-3149

National Immigration Law Center Responds to the Reintroduction of the Dream and Promise Act

WASHINGTON — U.S. Reps. Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-40), Nydia Velázquez (NY-07), and Yvette Clarke (NY-09) on Wednesday reintroduced the Dream and Promise Act, a bill that would provide a pathway to U.S. citizenship to an estimated 3.1 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., including immigrant youth and longtime residents with temporary protected status (TPS) or deferred enforced departure (DED).

Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center, issued the following statement:

“The Dream and Promise Act would provide long-overdue relief and stability to millions of people who call the U.S. home and are essential to our communities. We at the National Immigration Law Center welcome its reintroduction and urge Congress to pass it swiftly as a first step toward providing a pathway to citizenship for all 11 million undocumented people living in the U.S.

“The focus on greater inclusion and citizenship for undocumented people stands in stark contrast to the past four years of unrelenting anti-immigrant attacks that put millions of immigrants’ livelihoods, health, and families at risk, including the last administration’s attempts to terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and TPS programs. The Dream and Promise Act is a testament to the strength and political power our communities have built over years of organizing for justice. We are grateful to Reps. Roybal-Allard, Velázquez, and Clarke for their leadership in bringing it forward.

“While there is much to celebrate, we are deeply disappointed that this bill includes harmful provisions that criminalize communities of color and would unfairly exclude many people from relief. We urge Democrats to remove these additional bars that unnecessarily compound racial disparities and anti-Blackness in the criminal legal system. These additional bars go well beyond the already harsh penalties that exist under immigration law and turn a blind eye to the national discourse about transforming policing practices. Democrats must lead courageously in this moment and put forward a fully inclusive approach that moves us closer to racial justice and equity.

“Our communities need relief now as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact Black and brown communities, including immigrants, especially hard. These same communities are playing an outsized role in helping us all get through the pandemic. This is the year for Congress to finally act, and to do so courageously.”

