Category Archives: January 2023

NILC Statement on the Murder of Tyre Nichols

January 30, 2023

Email: [email protected]
Madison Allman, 202-384-1279
Emily Morris, 213-457-7458

NILC Statement on the Murder of Tyre Nichols

WASHINGTON — Sara K. Gould, interim executive director of the National Immigration Law Center and Immigrant Justice Fund, issued the following statement in response to the murder of Tyre Nichols by Memphis police officers:

“Tyre Nichols’ gruesome murder at the hands of Memphis police is another painful reminder of the urgent need to dismantle the structures upholding white supremacist violence. We mourn the loss of Tyre’s life – one full of love, joy, and purpose. We join the calls for justice for his family and community, as we continue to stand in solidarity with Black leaders demanding accountability, an end to police violence, and reinvestment in communities.”



NILC Welcomes New Board Member

January 27, 2023

Email: [email protected]
Madison Allman, 202-384-1279
Emily Morris, 213-457-7458

NILC Welcomes New Board Member

WASHINGTON — The National Immigration Law Center today announced the addition of Pedro Gerson, associate professor of law at California Western School of Law in San Diego, to the NILC board of directors.

“NILC is thrilled to welcome Pedro Gerson to its board,” said Sara K. Gould, NILC’s interim executive director. “Pedro’s expertise at the intersection of criminal law and immigration will be vital to our work as we continue to advocate for a 21st century immigration system that recognizes the humanity inherent in each of us.”

“I have long admired NILC’s dedication to advancing the rights of low-income immigrants in the United States,” said Pedro Gerson. “The road toward equity and dignity for all people – regardless of immigration status – is long. I look forward to continuing to fight for justice for the millions of immigrants who call the U.S. home, as well as making it easier for those who wish to come here, as a member of NILC’s board.”

Pedro Gerson is an Associate Professor of Law at California Western School of Law in San Diego, California. He writes and teaches in the areas of criminal law and immigration law. Prior to joining California Western, Gerson directed the Louisiana State University Immigration Clinic. The clinic provides immigration services for people in Louisiana, handling a wide range of immigration matters, from naturalization and asylum petitions to removal defense. Before joining the LSU Law Center faculty, Gerson served as an immigration staff attorney at The Bronx Defenders in New York City, a public defender nonprofit.

Gerson previously held several positions in Mexico City, including as a researcher and project manager at the Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad (IMCO), a think tank. He also worked in government, in the National Digital Strategy Unit of the Office of the President of Mexico. While in Mexico, he was an adjunct professor in the economics and law departments at Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México and Universidad Iberoamericana.

Gerson is a regular contributor to diverse media outlets in both Mexico and the U.S., such as Slate and Animal Político.



NILC Statement on the Department of Homeland Security’s Guidance Regarding Workers Asserting their Rights in the Workplace

January 13, 2023

Email: [email protected]
Madison Allman, 202-384-1279
Emily Morris, 213-457-7458

NILC Statement on the Department of Homeland Security’s Guidance Regarding Workers Asserting their Rights in the Workplace

WASHINGTON — Raha Wala, vice president of strategic partnerships and advocacy, issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s announcement that clarifies the process by which workers asserting their rights against abusive employers can access temporary immigration protections, including work authorization and protection from deportation:

“The Department of Homeland Security’s guidance protecting immigrant workers is key to furthering President Biden’s historic commitment to support worker empowerment. This momentous victory is the result of years of activism from workers and advocates and will be critical to supporting collective organizing and making worksites across the country safer and more equitable for everyone.

“All working people, regardless of immigration status, deserve to work in a safe environment, with a living wage, and the ability to speak up about labor violations without fear of retaliation. Providing temporary protections to immigrant workers that allow them to organize and safely fight back against injustices in the workplace will bolster all workers’ rights. We will continue working collaboratively with the Biden administration to create more just and inclusive protections for all working people, including immigrants, so that everyone can do their jobs safely and with dignity.”

While DHS has previously made these protections available to some workers, this newly released policy guidance clarifies and streamlines the process by which workers involved in labor disputes can seek temporary immigration protections from DHS. NILC’s statement on the corresponding Department of Labor guidance released in July is available here.



NILC Statement on President Biden’s Speech Announcing Expansion of Title 42 Expulsions

January 5, 2023

Email: [email protected]
Madison Allman, 202-384-1279
Emily Morris, 213-457-7458

NILC Statement on President Biden’s Speech Announcing Expansion of Title 42 Expulsions

WASHINGTON — Lisa Graybill, vice president of law and policy at the National Immigration Law Center, issued the following statement in response to President Biden’s announcement of several initiatives at the U.S.-Mexico border, which include planned expansion of Title 42 expulsions, increased use and expansion of expedited removal, the revival of a Trump-era-like transit ban previously struck down by two federal courts, a cost-prohibitive and inadequate parole program for those fleeing from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, and other harmful policies:

“For nearly three years, presidents of both parties have used the false pretext of public health to essentially cut off access to asylum in the United States under Title 42. While the recent Supreme Court ruling has temporarily forced the continuation of Title 42 expulsions, the Biden administration is choosing to expand Title 42 to Nicaraguans, Cubans, and Haitians, and introduce additional policies that further erode the legal right to seek asylum. The expanded expulsion policy is paired with new parole programs that will provide needed temporary relief to a small number of people. However, this relief should not come at the expense of more people being subjected to this cruel relic of the Trump administration that has immeasurably harmed thousands of people.

“With Republicans continuing to block any chance of Congressional action that would improve our outdated and broken immigration system, it is imperative that the Biden administration not embrace right-wing talking points by doubling down on failed deterrence practices. Instead, we urge the administration to follow through on its campaign promise to end Trump’s detrimental policies, commit to respecting our asylum laws, and build a 21st century immigration system that recognizes the dignity and humanity inherent in us all.”

