Category Archives: June 2024

Federal Court Temporarily Blocks Oklahoma’s Anti-Immigrant HB 4156

June 28, 2024 

Juan Gastelum, NILC, 213-375-3149, [email protected]
Inga Sarda-Sorensen, ACLU National, 347-514-3984, [email protected]
Cassidy Fallik, ACLU of Oklahoma, 913-748-1278, [email protected] 

Federal Court Temporarily Blocks Oklahoma’s Anti-Immigrant HB 4156 

OKLAHOMA CITY — A federal court has temporarily blocked Oklahoma’s HB 4156, a harmful and far-reaching law that would have devastating consequences for Oklahoma’s immigrant communities and create a state system to regulate immigration that bypasses and conflicts with federal law. 

The American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU of Oklahoma, National Immigration Law Center, and law firm Rivas & Associates filed a lawsuit in May on behalf of the Oklahoma-based organization Padres Unidos and several individual plaintiffs who live in Oklahoma. Under HB 4156, these individuals could be prosecuted, banished from the state, and separated from their families. 

HB 4156 conflicts with federal immigration law by usurping federal control over the immigration system, regulating people’s entry into the United States, and banishing people from Oklahoma who have a federal right to remain here. Under HB 4156, entire categories of immigrants would be barred from entering the state, or could be ordered to leave, even if they are pursuing asylum or other lawful immigration status. 

The law was set to take effect July 1, but the court issued a preliminary injunction today that puts the law on hold as the case is litigated. 

The following reactions are from:  

Noor Zafar, staff attorney, ACLU’s Immigrants’ Rights Project: “This is a harmful law that threatened to tear apart Oklahoma families and communities, and the court was right to block it. This ruling is a victory.” 

Nicholas Espíritu, deputy legal director, National Immigration Law Center: “This decision is a victory and testament to the resilience of the Oklahoma immigrant community, who stood up against one of the most anti-immigrant laws ever passed in the state. The federal courts have been clear that HB 4156, like similar laws in Texas and Iowa, is unconstitutional. Moreover, it would harm all Oklahomans. We are relieved with this decision to block its implementation and will continue fighting for all immigrant communities that call Oklahoma home.” 

Tamya Cox-Toure, executive director, ACLU of Oklahoma: “The court’s instruction to the State of Oklahoma is clear — it may not enforce HB 4156 while our litigation proceeds. We are grateful for the relief this provides to Oklahoma families while we continue to fight for rights and safety of Oklahoma’s immigrant communities.” 

Lorena Rivas, attorney, Rivas & Associates: “While we understand this is not a final ruling, this initial block fortifies our argument that this law is unconstitutional and for pure political purposes. We thank the court for providing some peace to our clients and other immigrants in our communities.” 

The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma. 

The ruling is here.  



NILC Statement on Biden’s Plan to Provide Relief for Some Undocumented Spouses of U.S Citizens

June 18, 2024

Email: [email protected]
Adrian Escárate, 202-609-9976
Emily Morris, 213-457-7458

NILC Statement on Biden’s Plan to Provide Relief for Some Undocumented Spouses of U.S Citizens

WASHINGTON — Kica Matos, president of the National Immigration Law Center and the NILC Immigrant Justice Fund, issued the following statement in response to the Biden administration’s plan to provide relief for some immigrants who are married to U.S. citizens: 

“President Biden’s announcement today represents the kind of courageous action we want and need from our elected leaders. By providing this much-needed relief, the Administration has not only helped keep hundreds of thousands of families together, but also sent a clear and decisive message that immigrants are deeply rooted community members who help make America stronger.  

“Even as we celebrate this historic moment, we cannot lose sight of the millions of immigrants across the country who are still waiting for a permanent legislative solution. It’s well past time for Congress to get the job done and pass a pathway to citizenship.”  



NILC Statement on Biden’s Executive Action on the Border

June 4, 2024

Email: [email protected]
Adrian Escárate, 202-609-9976
Emily Morris, 213-457-7458

NILC Statement on Biden’s Executive Action on the Border

WASHINGTON — Kica Matos, president of the National Immigration Law Center and the NILC Immigrant Justice Fund, issued the following statement in response to the Biden administration’s anti-immigrant executive action on the border:

“President Biden’s craven embrace of failed Republican policies is a mistake that will only lead to more harm and dysfunction at the U.S.-Mexico border. There is a better way. Rather than playing politics with people’s lives, the President should pursue practical solutions that increase our capacity to welcome immigrants humanely. These solutions include timely and fair processing of asylum applications, expanding legal pathways, and supporting cities that are welcoming our new neighbors.”



Latest Data Shows DACA Recipients Continue To Face Barriers To Affordable Health Care

June 3, 2024

Email: [email protected]
Adrian Escárate, 202-609-9976
Emily Morris, 213-457-7458

Latest Data Shows DACA Recipients Continue To Face Barriers To Affordable Health Care

Expansion of Affordable Care Act coverage can significantly address hurdles for DACA recipients

WASHINGTON — A report published today by the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) shows that one out of five Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients are not covered by any kind of health insurance or health care plan, representing a continued trend of DACA recipients being uninsured at much higher rates than the general U.S. population. Last month, the Biden administration expanded health care coverage for DACA recipients by allowing them to enroll in Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans starting November 1, 2024 after years of advocacy. The expansion of ACA coverage for DACA recipients, if adequately implemented, represents an important step towards addressing the health disparities identified in this report.

“Finalizing the ACA eligibility rule is a critical step in creating pathways to health care options for DACA recipients without any coverage,” said Isobel Mohyeddin, policy coordinator at the National Immigration Law Center. “As this year’s data show, this important community faces gaps in coverage, high medical bills, and fear of seeking services. To address the disparities and barriers highlighted in the research report, we urge President Biden and HHS to adopt a robust public outreach and enrollment program to ensure all newly eligible people can enroll.”

This is the third annual report by NILC tracking DACA recipients’ access to health care. This report analyzes findings from a 2023 survey of 560 DACA recipients administered by Prof. Tom K. Wong of the University of California, San Diego; United We Dream; the National Immigration Law Center; and the Center for American Progress. Top line findings include:

  • 20% of survey respondents indicated that they are not covered by any kind of health insurance or health care plan, nearly three times as much as the general U.S. population (7.7% in 2023)
  • 82% of respondents indicated that they receive health insurance through their employer, far higher than the general U.S. population (48.7% in 2022)
  • 44% of respondents without insurance were not aware of any affordable care or coverage options
  • 35% of respondents believe that they are ineligible due to their immigration status
  • 94% of respondents reported that without DACA, it would be more difficult to access critical services needed to keep themselves and their families healthy
  • 21% of respondents experienced worse mental and/or physical health conditions because of concerns related to their immigration status

Based on the survey results, the National Immigration Law Center urges Congress to pass legislation, such as the LIFT the BAR and HEAL for Immigrant Families Acts, repealing restrictions on immigrants’ eligibility for federal health insurance programs, and build on state successes in providing additional options for residents, regardless of immigration status. Additionally, NILC recommends that HHS expand grants and partnerships with community-based organizations in relationship with DACA recipients and other immigrant communities to help improve access to coverage and care, including education on the intersection of immigration status and health care access.

To view the full survey results, visit this link.

